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Master Plan Notes 2008/06/19
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3 June 19, 2008
4 Town Hall
5 7:00 PM
6 *****DRAFT***** *****DRAFT*****
7 Present: Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
8 Allan Davis, Vice-Chairman
9 Bruce Jennings
10 Philip Porter
11 Peter White
13 Absent: Derek Tatlock
14 Emma Smith, Ex-Officio
15 Frederick Gallup, Ex-Officio, Alternate
16 Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator
18 The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM by Chairman Peggy Chalmers.
21 Michael Marquise advised the Board that a group of people are here to talk about wind
22 turbines.
24 Mike Durfor reported that he went to the Zoning Board last week about erecting a wind
25 turbine which would be 45’ high with 6’ blades on his property. The noise level of the
26 turbine would be 40 decibels and he sited if so it could not be seen. He stated that a lot of
27 people there did not have an understanding of it, but seemed to be okay with it after more
28 information was given. He stated that he went to the Zoning Board for a height variance,
29 but the Board did not have any regulations for wind turbines. He understands that he will
30 now have to wait until next March for new regulations to be put in. He advised that
31 federal credits from PSNH and NH Electric Coop run out in December of 2008. There is
32 no guarantee that they will be extended, plus credits back would not be given. He thinks
33 there will be a lot of people who are going to want to install wind turbines.
35 Mike O’Brien reported that he saw the Zoning Administrator to ask for a permit for a
36 small wind generator and was told he could not do it. He stated that his neighbors think it
37 is a good idea. He needs relief so he can continue with his plan, but there are not rules in
38 town. His would be a 60’ tower with a small windmill with 6’ blades
40 Paul Manson stated that he wants to put up a wind turbine and that his neighbors also
41 think it is a good idea. His would be 80’ high with 6’ blades. It will be used to heat hot
42 water to heat his home. He is looking for direction from the Planning Board.
44 Doug Mason who lives near Mr. O’Brien stated that he thinks this is an excellent display
45 of conservation. It diverts energy cost. Structures have to be above the trees. If he does
46 this, his structure would be 100’ high. It is secluded on that ridge (Bishop’s Landing).
47 The payback is 5-7 years and the incentives that expire at the end of the year cut budgets
48 almost in half.
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The group stated that the wind turbines have to be in operation 50 by December 31, 2008 to
51 get the incentives from NH Electric Coop or PSNH.
53 Michael Marquise advised that the Planning Board can only recommend changes to the
54 ordinance. If use is the only issue, part of residential use is an accessory use. Allan
55 Davis compared this with the use of a diesel generator. Bruce Jennings remembers that
56 they did discuss wind farms before and that it would come under site plan review. Peggy
57 Chalmers stated that she thinks it needs more discussion.
59 The Planning Board members unanimously agreed it is an accessory use that is incidental
60 to a residence, but applicants would still have to go to the Zoning Board of Adjustment
61 on height over 40’. Bruce suggested that they check on how other towns handle this so
62 the Board can address an ordinance. Peggy will check with the Upper Valley to see if
63 they have dealt with this.
65 Mr. O’Brien asked if he can go to the Zoning Board with an application. Peggy stated
66 that she doesn’t know what the Zoning Board will do and Allan advised him to see the
67 Zoning Administrator. Bruce suggested that they may want to look at maintenance for
68 any new regulation recommendations.
70 7:45 PM –Public Hearing
71 Map 133, Lot 87, Minor Subdivision Review, 2 lots, Main St., Sunapee Harbor
72 Riverway, Inc.
74 Peter White recused himself.
76 Michael Marquise reviewed that the application was filed 3 weeks in advance, abutters
77 were notified, notices were posted, and fees were paid. He stated that this falls under
78 Section 6.04 of the Subdivision Regulations and the Board has the option of waiving
79 storm water drainage under Section 6.05B.
81 A motion was made by Allan Davis to accept the application as complete waiving
82 storm water drainage. The motion was seconded by Phil Porter and approved by
83 the Board with 4 in favor. The motion carried.
85 A motion was made by Allan Davis to approve the subdivision as presented. The
86 motion was seconded by Phil Porter and approved by the Board with 3 in favor and
87 1 abstention (BJ). The motion carried.
90 Statement of Property Usage
91 Mike Durfor presented a statement of property usage for the Riverway property. The
92 building that was used for the old LSPA office will be the new SAU office with 4-5
93 employees. The hours will be the same; Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00
94 PM. They will use the property for 2 years. He asked if they would need another
95 statement of property usage if the number of employees goes down or another business
96 comes in with fewer employees after the SAU leaves. Michael stated that the Board can
97 say there is no change of use and Bruce advised that the use is consistent and they are not
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changing anything. All members of the Planning Board agreed and 98 the statement of
99 property usage was signed by the Planning Board Chairman.
101 Mike Durfor advised the Board that he will be submitting another statement of property usage for
102 Pete’s Shed. The Riverway will be using part of the building for storage and to house a part time
103 employee. The office will not be open to the public. He stated that he needs to verify that this
104 does not exceed the use given for Pete’s Shed. Michael Marquise asked if there would be 2 or 3
105 floors in use and Mike stated that, physically, it would be 2 ½ floors. The square footage of use
has not changed. The storage and office will be on the 3rd 106 floor.
108 Discussion on Multiple Uses in the Village District–
109 The Board discussed the feedback from town counsel regarding the Sonya case
110 addressing multiple uses in the Village District and the use of non-conforming
111 lots/buildings. No decision was made. They will discuss further at the next meeting and
112 seek input from the Zoning Administrator.
115 Allan Davis brought up future land use and affordable housing. Michael reported that a
116 workforce housing bill has been passed by the House and Senate. There has to be small
117 enough lot sizes and high enough densities. Towns will have to rewrite their ordinances
118 to provide for it. It is mandated to have the ordinances written within 2 years. Michael
119 will work on the wording.
121 Peggy suggested that the Board increase shoreline protection and look into possible
122 recommendations by looking at it from a watershed view. Also, under land use goals,
123 they need to know what the Conservation Commission goals are. Michael stated that will
124 be part of the natural resources section.
126 Bruce stated that he thinks that in order to grow as a town there needs to be more
127 livability choices because of recreation and conservation and Michael stated that could be
128 a goal. Allan suggested it should be a leading paragraph.
130 Peggy asked what would be the appropriate space to say something about the % of home
131 business. Michael advised they could have something under the existing land use section
132 and they can do a statement under residential.
134 July Master Plan Meeting
135 Michael reported that Central Street residents will be at the July 16, 2008 meeting to
136 discuss changing the Zoning District. One possibility could be to split the Village
137 District into commercial and residential with density requirements. Allan Davis stated
138 that they could possibly create a village residential zone as other streets in the area could
139 be affected.
141 Transportation
142 Michael stated that they had previously discussed making Route 11 more village like and
143 that could be a recommendation in the Master Plan. Peter White suggested that it should
144 be in depth with concepts. Allan Davis stated that a network of sidewalks would be
145 beneficial.
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Michael advised that another issue is Beech St. and Peggy stated that 147 was a cost issue.
148 Allan suggested that before a recommendation is included in the Master Plan, there
149 should be a traffic estimate.
151 Phil Porter asked how many recommendations from the 1998 Master Plan were carried
152 out. Michael believes it was just fewer than 50%. The Board members think that
153 information should be included in the new Master Plan. Michael said it can be put in as a
154 comment.
156 Allan suggested that it might be worthwhile to reexamine land use around the mountain
157 to maximize the usage. Michael advised that one problem is there is now water or sewer
158 in that area. He also stated that in the goals of the philosophy of village and energy
159 concerns, they should encourage walking.
161 The meeting adjourned at 9:31 PM.
163 NOTE: Any hearings now open and under consideration by this Board are continued to
164 the next meeting of the Planning Board.
166 NOTE: The above minutes represent a summary of, not a verbatim of the tape.
168 Submitted by, Joan Bleau Approved_____________________
169 Recording Secretary
171 ______________________________ _____________________________
172 Peggy Chalmers, Chairman Allan Davis, Vice-Chairman
174 ______________________________ _____________________________
175 Bruce Jennings Derek Tatlock
177 ______________________________ _____________________________
178 Philip Porter Peter White
180 ______________________________ _____________________________
181 Emma M. Smith, Ex-Officio Frederick Gallup, Alt. Ex-Officio